Y Wednesday, February 02, 2011

I could care less about my blog now. I post when i feel like it. So I think now i have the feeling t post.
I hate it when I already have plans on a certain day and thats the only day that you can go out, but someone just ruins it all .
School ends at 10am. Ive plan t meet Arif. But then Mom decides t work and asked me t ve home ASAP. So i rushed like mad. And guess what , i f told her last week tt im going with Arif on wednesday. ANNOYING RIGHT ?!
informed , and she ought t let me out. she ignore me. wthell. Tmr holiday , she can work. fuck !

Yeah i knw i can meet Arif some other day but it was already planned laaaaa ! walau .

ps;// I have yet t talk t her nicely since morning.
